
Showing posts from November, 2009

Mac root passwd initialize from blank

Quickest fix "just do a 'sudo passwd root' and run through the passwd prompts to establish your new root password"

Mac menu shortcuts

Quickly find any menu item and launch it. (Mac OS 10.5) 1. Press Cmd-? FYI: That’s Cmd-Shift-/ 2. In the Help menu Search that opens, start typing a few letters of your desired menu command. 3. Arrow key down to the item you want and press Return to choose it.

USB modem eject

"There won't be any problem if you just eject the USB modem. Safe removal is generally necessary for data devices, because write operations are done in batch mode. Safe removal == write syncs before disconnect." Thanks Patil!

Mac Tips

Metamorphose-File-n-Folder-Renamer VNC Setup for connecting from XP (balt's tip)

Crossover cables for macs

These days u don't need crossover cables anywhere. The switches are intelligent, they change their mode. The mac ethernet port can detect if you are directly connecting to another machine and switch accordingly. So you can use a simple LAN cable.