
Showing posts from November, 2017

Axis Bank + Max Life Insurance Scam

WRT the controversial Max Life - Life Gain Plus 20 Participating Plan . What they don't tell you when signing up is that it will take you 7 years to simply break even — even if you claim the 30% 80c IT deduction. If you don't claim 80c, it will take you 11 years just to break even. That is, to simply get your premium amount back without any interest. They will justify this saying it's because of insurance. But the cost of insurance itself is very low. If you're paying 1.1L premium for 6 years, you get insurance cover of 10L. If you buy just the term insurance instead, that costs less than 10k per year. So in effect, you're investing at least 1L per year. At the end of 7 years with this plan, you will only be given 4.2L back. Even assuming you claimed an 80c deduction of 30k per year for the 6 premiums — for a total of 1.8L — this is a break even of 6L after 7 years. You simply got your money back — after tax deductions and insurance costs — with no interest. Therea

Stories, Catalysts, Cashflows and Academics

The kinda of overly complicated BS that scares people off investing. Those who can't do, teach.

Importing Posts from Blogger to Drupal

Importing posts from blogger to Drupal is a piece of cake if you have the feeds module installed. All you need is the common RSS XML parser setting and the field mappings to Drupal's own core blog module. A working importer configuration (which too can be imported) is given here. The node author can be changed here, or in the node processor configuration settings. PS: You can use blogger's backup setting to first export all your posts as an XML file. $feeds_importer = new stdClass(); $feeds_importer->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default feeds_importer disabled initially */ $feeds_importer->api_version = 1; $feeds_importer->id = 'knownexception'; $feeds_importer->config = array( 'name' => 'knownexception', 'description' => 'knownexception', 'fetcher' => array( 'plugin_key' => 'FeedsFileFetcher', 'config' => array( 'allowed_exten