
Showing posts from December, 2015

A more reliable interview process for computer programmers

One of the first things I noticed in the software industry, was that verbal technical interviews tended to highly unreliable. On many occasions, I had observed average performers at work clear interviews that top performers had not. The former didn’t know much about programming computers, but were very good at clearing interviews. They had the confidence and knew the answers to all the usual interview questions, which they usually brushed up on the previous day. As an interviewer from Google once remarked, some candidates were often extremely knowledgeable in interviews, but in practice, could not code the most basic programs in any language. The problem is that verbal technical interviews rely largely on communication and confidence. Confidence is normally considered a sign of ability but the two are not actually correlated. Studies have shown that mildly capable people often tend to be more confident than extremely capable people ( Dunning–Kruger effect ). But as the average perf

A Simple JavaScript Redirect Timer

<p class="lead">If this page does not redirect automatically, please <a href="/congratulations">click here</a>.</p> <p class="lead">Redirecting in <span id="DispSec">5</span> seconds.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> TimerSeconds = 5; var TimerVar = setInterval(startTimer, 1000); function startTimer() { if (TimerSeconds < 1) { clearInterval(TimerVar); location.href = "congratulations"; } document.getElementById("DispSec").innerHTML = TimerSeconds; TimerSeconds--; } </script>