
Showing posts from February, 2017

Get Unique Line Counts on Linux

From terminal: cat Duplicates.txt | sort | uniq -c > Counts.txt Within vi: :%sort         // sort the results as required by "uniq" :%!uniq -c   // use the *nix "uniq" tool to prepend counts :%sort!        // sort in reverse order

Drupal Contact Form - Missing or Disappearing Emails

Linux sendmail sometimes drops emails mysteriously without any error message or log of the written email. /var/log/maillog will show an entries such as: Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to [DMARC] The way to fix this is to have the domain name of the current server in the from field, and the actual from address in the reply-to field. This can easily be done with Drupal 7 using the contact_reply_to module. Drupal 8 does not require the module.

Drupal's Confusing Online Readme Text Files

Module pages usually say: "The most complete and up to date documentation is included with the module, in the README.txt file." But the online README.txt files linked to there usually include documentation for unreleased updates. This can cause considerable confusion / unnecessary trouble-shooting when newly installing modules. Always use the README files included with the module, not the ones online.

Performance of Facebook promotions

Regarding the promoted post - xx Here are the top 10 duplicate shares on the post: Lucious White - 28 shares Ako Nai - 17 shares Stephen Schreiber - 17 shares Nathan Musikchild Ray - 9 shares Farakhan Norris - 6 shares Beau Forester - 5 shares Dennis Vinci - 5 shares Bob Holden - 4 shares James Thomas Downey - 4 shares T Donebullshidden Knight - 4 shares These accounts have been observed sharing and liking other promoted posts too. The total list of displayed shares is only 382, even though the displayed count is 1363. Understandably, this is due to private shares. But only 244 of the shares are by unique people. [Support email #2] As you can see, the high bounce rates are only for Facebook clicks. The bounce rates for users from Google, Bing, Yahoo etc are much lower. In any case, my concern is not the high bounce rate in itself. That could be content and context specific. My real concern is the large number of confirmed duplicate shares by certain users.