
Showing posts from April, 2010

Stop spam on drupal sites

stopforumspam's gives a latest list of know spam ip addresses - about 37,000 of them. is csv port of that file that can directly be imported into the 'access' drupal table from cpanel/PhpMyAdmin. This should stop all spam from all those 37k ip addresses. But note that this will render the page yoursite/admin/user/rules unusable since that page does not support paging.

windows 7 sync disable

Can be easily done by clicking on the "disable offline files" button in properties. System will prompt for a restart.

Regex to pull out only integers from a string and ignore floats and fractions

Regex OnlyIntegers =  new  Regex( @"(?<![\.]|[0-9]/)\b[0-9]+(?![\./][0-9]+)(?=[a-zA-Z]*\b)" ); string  InputText =  "the 12mp 2. 00.200 00300 .4500 float values /34 1-1/2 22 33/55 or 3/2 are in the range of 55 mm .555 or 0.550,0.5,-3.000 and the values are 10.44,24.553,1.023, 5.67,2.34" ; Output: 12 2 00300 34 1 22 55