Big Tech Venture Cap Is A Scam

Something I've long suspected. 

"Venture Capital is a Ponzi Scheme!" Chamath on corruption in Big Tech 

The Solution? Don't force it.

TAOISM | The Philosophy Of Flow

Jordan Peterson - Making Sacrifices For The Future

Any true investment is a sacrifice, because one is foregoing some kind of present gratification for a future gain.

The power of sacrifice that was often preached in the past was possibly based on this principle, that real investment was a sacrifice. But like everything else, it seems to have been misinterpreted over time.

Jordan Peterson: Delay of Gratification as a Success Predictor

Investment always involves delayed gratification. The reason many are not able to make the investments required to become financially free, is often the lack of will required to forego immediate gratification.

“The successful among us delay gratification. The successful among us bargain with the future.”

Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

The riddle of experience vs. memory | Daniel Kahneman

The following may also be an example of what Peterson says above about delaying gratification. It's a lot harder to build a life that one doesn't need vacations from.
